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The Sichuan Broadcasts

node 270 271
Août 2004
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Broadcast one: demagogical fulmination

The pursuit of happinness is deemed to failure. But you should avoid being unhappy. It takes a while to get along with oneself, and to learn about the things and occasions that give us a temporary relief. Then comes the time for joy and bliss.
Am I one more of those personnal development counselors and felicity peddlers? Well, not really, but if I want to lure anyone to that node, I obviously can't start with harsh truths, swinging the scalpel and hammer around.
I can't resort to intellectual terrorism either. I don't have any books here and I've forgotten most of what I've read. I can't build some kind of scholarly man-of-war, armed with lengthy commentaries and complex theoretical analyses to silence you into submission. I'll have to seduce you. And is there anything more alluring than talks about happinness and joy? Who's not interested in that?

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