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The Sichuan Broadcasts

node 270 271
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Broadcast three: An irreversible mental event. (3)

He was a true heir to the Lithuanian tradition, with its emphasis on rationality and critical thinking, and the centrality it gave to ethics. He used to say: "Rabbi Akiva said that the verse in Leviticus, 'You shall love your neighbour as yourself' is the most important principle of the Torah. Well, that's all there is to know, but a whole Book is needed to explain that, and three thousand years of uninterrupted discussion haven't made it quite clear yet." He knew how to talk to them. He knew how to entice them. But despite all his acting and all his tricks, despite all his masterful skills at seduction, he was only a good Jew, fearing Heaven and doing Heaven's business.
Posted by 270 271, on 29/08/04 in Actualités.